one another ministry


If you have made your way to this page, chances are, you are wrestling with some sort of problem or question in life, for which you have yet to find an answer. It may have to do with a difficult relationship, circumstance, or habit of life, but whatever the case, lasting change seems to be eluding you. No doubt, you have tried any number of things, like counseling, reading books, getting advice from friends or family, or simply resolving to try harder and do better. Maybe you have even placed your hope in such spiritual things as prayer, reading the Bible, or going to church – yet none of it has made a significant difference. If you would like to experience real change and personal growth in your life, we invite you to try a fresh approach.


Our approach to helping those who come to us with life problems is both Biblical and Christ-centered. It is Biblical because we believe that the Scriptures are inspired of God and thus, inherently powerful, trustworthy and true. We believe that understanding and applying truth is essential for healthy living. Our approach is Christ-centered because we believe that a personal relationship with Jesus is also essential for life and relationships to be emotionally and spiritually healthy. We do not take a simplistic “Just read your Bible and pray” approach to helping people with their problems or questions in life. However, we also make no apologies for pointing people to Jesus and the life-changing truths found in His Word.  We have learned that this is how genuine transformation takes place.


  • We listen with compassion, trusting that Jesus is who He claimed to be, the Son of God, Healer of the brokenhearted, and Savior of mankind.
  • We care and respond in practical ways with help, hope, and the love of Jesus.
  • We teach the truth faithfully gently helping people discover the relevance of God’s word and how His wisdom and truth apply to everyday life.
  • We unashamedly proclaim that the same God, who has the power to save your soul, has the power to help you learn and grow through any challenge you will face in life.
  • We pray for you trusting in the power, promises, and purpose of God who loves you and gives His life for you.
  • We minister confidentially and realize the importance of keeping the trust of those who come to us for help.
  • We instill personal responsibility to search out truth from God’s word, meditate upon it, discern its application, and establish ways to live according to those truths.
  • We provide ways for you to connect with others so that you can grow in your relationship with Jesus in a loving community of fellow believers.

Simply put, this ministry is here to help anyone who has a sincere desire to know God and grow in their relationship with Him

To find out how you can either receive ministry (get help with your questions or life problems) or be trained and equipped to be a part of the One Another Ministry at Calvary Chapel, contact the church office.

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